Dong-A Pharmaceutical

Human Rights

Dong-A Pharmaceutical respects the dignity and value of all employees.

Human Rights Management Message

Dong-A Socio Group has instituted a human rights management system rooted in the principles of ethical management. This initiative aims to fulfill the company's social responsibilities in alignment with international standards, particularly ISO 26000, emphasizing the prioritization of the dignity and value of individuals to promote human rights among all group members.

Furthermore, as an integral member of the Social Responsibility Council, which includes CEOs from 13 group affiliates and was established on December 16, 2022, the company actively upholds human rights principles outlined in the "UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights" and the "UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights." We have pledged to fulfill these responsibilities by adhering to international standards and guidelines related to human rights and labor.

Dong-A Pharmaceutical is dedicated to respecting human rights, actively preventing violations, and intensively managing human rights risks. In the event of human rights violations, decisive measures will be enacted based on steadfast principles. Concurrently, the company will consistently review and enhance management systems and processes to firmly establish a robust human rights management system.

Continuing forward, Dong-A Pharmaceutical is committed to fostering an environment where the human rights of employees, customers, investors, business partners, and local communities are respected. The company will fulfill its responsibility in human rights management by proactively preventing and addressing human rights violations, disclosing pertinent information, and maintaining open communication with stakeholders.

Human Rights Strategy
Human Rights Management Framework

As a member of the UN Global Compact, Dong-A Pharmaceutical respects and supports international standards on human rights and labor, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Human Rights Committee's UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights Ruggie Framework, and strives to protect the human rights of stakeholders (including employees) in the entire process of management activities. We have established a strategic framework for human rights management system to be implemented throughout the management system.

Human Rights ManagementFramework
  • Policy
  • Human Rights
    Due Diligence
  • Victim Relief
  • Stakeholder
  • Transparent
  • Governance
Human Rights Policies

Dong-A Pharmaceutical respects international standards and guidelines related to human rights and labor, including the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. We have established a Human Rights Charter based on human rights-related provisions, standards, and initiatives specified in domestic and international human rights standards and related laws and regulations.

Operating System
Organization Governance

Dong-A Pharmaceutical strives to respect and protect human rights by proactively identifying, preventing, and mitigating risks to human rights and labor practices that may arise in the course of all business activities.

With the Social Responsibility Council comprised of top executives, we receive reports on major human rights issues and conduct performance reviews on human rights management.

In addition, various related departments identify human rights-related risk management and improvement tasks and monitor human rights issues.

  • Board of Directors Social Responsibility Council
  • Office of Social Responsibility Planning
  • Execution Department of Group Company
  • Make decisions and review performance on key human rights management agendas.
  • Establish a company-wide human rights management promotion plan and collect and review human rights management performance.
  • Identify human rights risks and improvements and spread awareness of respect for human rights, including the promotion of a human rights culture.
Stakeholder Communication

To create a culture of respect for human rights, Dong-A Pharmaceutical has established communication channels with stakeholders to listen to their diverse opinions and actively use them in decision-making for socially responsible management.

    • Intranet D-portal (always)
    • With Dong-A Webzine (always)
    • Dong-A Pharmaceutical Magazine (monthly)
    • Grievance Center (when an issue arises)
    • Helpline K-Whistle, Cyber Audit Office Clean :D (always)
    • Briefings and meetings by the Ministry of Employment and Labor (when an issue arises)
    • Social Responsibility Council (once a half year)
    • Group Company Education (yearly)
    • Dong-A Socio Holdings Homepage (always)
    • Helpline K-Whistle, Cyber Audit Office Clean :D (always)
    • Dong-A Socio Group Jeong-Do Management Homepage (always)
    • Volunteer Activities (when an issue arises)
    • Providing training facilities for the resident talent development center (when an issue arises)
    • Jeong-Do Management Homepage (when an issue arises)
    • Internal Mail (when an issue arises)
    • Education (yearly)
    • Helpline K-Whistle, Cyber Audit Office Clean :D (always)
    • Board of Directors (quarterly)
    • Shareholder Meeting (yearly)
    • Meetings, Phone Calls (when an issue arises)
    • Public Announcement (when an issue arises)
Grievance Channels and Settlement Process

In consideration of the characteristics of our business sites, Dong-A Pharmaceutical operates various reporting channels. All reports are only visible to the reporter and our grievance team, and we maintain confidentiality to protect the reporter. You will not be fired or otherwise adversely treated for reporting facts or allegations of damage, and we make every effort to ensure that you feel comfortable when reporting.

Reporting Channels
  • Helpline

    Channels for employees and external stakeholders to report internal misconduct
    /irregularities and corruption such as abuse of power

  • Clean :D

    Channel for reporting unfair business practices, unfair claims based on position, and irregularities

  • Dong-A Socio Human Rights Committee

    For reporting workplace harassment and sexual harassment

  • Grievance Counseling Center

    For grievance counseling, opinions on improvements to the company system, etc.

Report Handling Process
  1. 01
    a report
  2. 02
  3. 03
  4. 04
  5. 05
    /Taking action
  6. 06
Operational Activities and Performance
Members (unit: persons)
Category 2022 2021 2020
Total employees 922 919 922
By employment type Full-time 895 892 898
Male 708 712 710
Female 187 180 188
Temporary 27 27 24
Male 23 21 20
Female 4 6 4
Gender Male 731 733 730
Female 191 186 192
By age Under 30 years old 199 213 242
30 – 49 years old 582 579 553
50 years or older 141 127 127
Hiring and Turnover (unit: persons, %)
Hiring and Turnover
Category 2022 2021 2020
Total new hires 76 75 96
New Gender Male 50 58 64
Female 26 17 32
By age Under 30 years old 42 43 65
30 – 49 years old 34 32 31
50 years or older 0 0 0
Total new hires 115 82 50
New Gender Male 68 61 36
Female 47 21 14
By age Under 30 years old 37 28 17
30 – 49 years old 39 29 20
50 years or older 39 25 13
Turnover rate Voluntary 6.9% 6.1% 3.5%
Involuntary 5.7% 2.8% 2.1%
Diversity of members (unit: persons, %)
Diversity of members
Category 2022 2021 2020
Female members Female employees 180 176 184
Female executives 1 1 0
Female managers 10 9 8
Ratio of female employees 20.7% 20.2% 20.8%
Persons with disabilities Number 5 5 5
Ratio 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%
Foreigners Number 2 2 0
Ratio 0.2% 0.2% 0.2%
Veterans Number 14 14 14
Ratio 1.5% 1.5% 1.5%
Parental leave users (unit: persons)
Parental leave users
Category 2022 2021 2020
Number of people eligible for parental leave Male 180 168 160
Female 38 42 39
Subtotal 218 210 199
Number of parental leave users Male 5 4 4
Female 16 4 11
Subtotal 21 11 15
Number of people returning from parental leave Male 6 1 0
Female 5 6 7
Subtotal 11 7 7
Employees who have returned to work for more than 12 months Male 2 0 0
Female 3 5 8
Subtotal 5 5 8
Job training hours for members (unit: hour, KRW)
Job training hours for members
Category 2022 2021 2020
Total training hours 10,952 8,667 14,238
Average training hours per person 11.9 9.4 15.4
Total training hours 184,226,142 109,705,430 137,919,319
Average training costs per person 199,811 119,375 149,587
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